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IPUmpire ®
Intellectual Property
Alternative Dispute Resolution
We'll Make the Call
Patent and trademark infringement litigation and other intellectual property disputes can cost millions in legal fees and take years to resolve. Meanwhile, the uncertainty of litigation leaves your business decision-makers feeling caught between the bases. And the public forum of a courtroom and open records of court filings risks unwanted disclosure of your confidential information.
Our IP-focused alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services can give you an answer for a fraction of the cost and without the delay, through a confidential private process. Then you can get on with your business with certainty and direction.
Options to fit the Dispute
Not every IP dispute warrants a full-scale litigation campaign. Our tiered service structure allows the parties to decide the scope of the proceeding, the timing, and the cost.
Services Available
Early Neutral Evaluation
IP Umpire® is a service of Gardner Groff & Greenwald PC
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